Monday, October 27, 2014


People have asked me why I pray-- anyway.
Here's my response:

To avoid being a hypocrite
I default to prayer in bad time
So how can I not pray in good times
Every day times?

My experience of everyday--ish prayer is good
I do get aligned with a transcendent place of peace
I do get a sense guidance 
I do experience  joy even when life is not good
I do become grateful for this life, now, as it is.

Sometimes I don't know what else to do
The world seems insane
People I love hurt
Real tragedy does occur

I prefer the stance of belief
We have been overly rational in recent centuries
Science is showing the reality of the intangible
The study of energetics will reveal the power of thought/faith

I am happier about my life
I keep my eye on the divine, not on my daily outcomes
I have a sense of adventure about the story arc of my life
I carry more hopefulness
I feel truer to me

That's Why I Pray----Anyway

Monday, October 20, 2014


I just enjoyed a kind of cosmic chuckle.
I stumbled across some writing of the Persian poet Hafiz who was born around 1325.
He wrote ecstatic love poetry to the divine and had a wicked sense of humor.
(Never trust anyone with a spiritual bent than isn't funny.)
His writing is revered in Iran/Persia and quoted like proverbs.

Here he is making fun of "would be" spiritual poets.


If I ever gave a poetry workshop,
here are some key factors I would elaborate upon
hoping to give you your money's worth.

---Watch out for the word "flower"
It can be lethal.

---Be equally on your guard for the word "rainbow"
and its (for the most part) assault on serious literature

---And the words "Butterfly" or "Star", I love them,
but I think they are best left off the page unless you
are desperate, and/or have not yet reached puberty.

---That about rounds out the general holy trinity of "don'ts"
in poems, from my perspective

---And if you every succumb to using the work "Flower, Rainbow,
or the B or S word more than twice in one book, unless it very
cleverly done----well

Well, you should really invite someone to shoot you!


And from my prayer/poems soon to be a book:

I can't stand 
High faulting love language
Or spiritual language
You can't stand on
I want gritty fierce earthy words
For my prayer


Monday, October 13, 2014


We are a miracle resistant culture
It's not that they don't happen.
It's that we don't acknowledge them except in an off hand way, usually, by saying we were lucky or shaking our head with dumb bewilderment.

My daughter is making a list of mini-miracles she herself has experienced or someone close to her has relayed to her. If you want to share one, big or small, I'd love to hear it. I'm curious about what constitutes aa miracle for you.

Here's my latest:
I was feeling fatigued at the slightest exertion. I have had a heart attack, so I called my cardio guy.I had an echo cardiogram that was not good.
It indicated "severe dilation of the right ventricle"--hello congestive heart failure. He ordered a catheterization for a week later.

A week before the echocardiogram I ordered a healing herb book by Hildegaard en Bingen a Medieval nun. I was on yet another health kick.
I ran to it after the test results. Good ol Hildegaard says green jasper heals heart problems. I ordered a heart shaped green jasper stone and loaded in into my bra by my heart. That stone drove me nuts.  My granddaughter hated it and cried if I showed it to her. It fell out. I lost it. Did not bode well. I was wary of it rather than comforted.

I had test nerves four days before the catheterization. My husband suggested a ride to the ocean for sunset. Good idea. I got in the car and on the front seat on my side was an aquamarine crystal heart the size of my palm. We were stunned and kept coming up with reasons about how it could possible have gotten there. I put that stone next to my heart and kept it there til the morning of my test----when it fell out of my bra and chipped on the hospital floor. I did not panic. I knew it had done its work and wasn't needed. 

The test showed no sign of dilation and no blockage. My heart was better than ever. There were other aspects to this odd healing, that I'll save. Dilation usually doesn't heal and certainly not in a week. I'm tempted to do what we all 
tend to do--accept the good result  but not as a miracle.  Maybe as an unsolved mystery! 

Here's my question. If we were not miracle resistant, how many miracles would we experience in a day?  

Monday, October 6, 2014


Say that phrase out loud. Doesn't it feel good? Now say it to someone you care about and who you live with, work with and maybe  have bad feelings with. Then think of all the people you could and maybe should say it to and how you can make it evident even without these specific words.

I write this on Saturday, Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement, one of the most holy days in the Jewish religion.  Yom Kippur starts with Rosh Hashanah and lasts 10 days.  The book of Judgment for the past year is opened and you have 
10 days to repent and make right any actions you regret (or are sinful).
Then on Yom Kippur you atone and the book is closed for the year. I have a dear friend who teaches me all things Jewish by how she honors the holidays.
Each year, on Yom Kippur,  we hold hands and ask forgiveness for any hurts or wrongs we may have caused. Takes a moment but is powerful, none the less.

I love this festival and holy day.  It involves looking back, repenting--acknowledging wrongs and then atonement--making things right. And then having a clean page for the new year. It is a profound cleansing process.

We, in America, tend to think that an apology does the trick with no need for atonement.  We love a good apology. Think instead  about making it right. That's where powerful humility starts.  

Think of all the people you would like to hear say this phrase, "Forgive me for any hurts or wrongs intentional or unintentional" and who you would love to see and hear say them.  I would like to see the UN representatives speaking each to one another solemnly saying these words.  Join me in imagining it, conjuring it, praying it into being.