This poem (from I PRAY ANYWAY—Devotions For the Ambivalent) seems to
capture this day perfectly. It is the first mild day in Maine that truly promises Spring will come. We all look like stunned groundhogs as we begin to walk outside as opposed to the outdoors being a gauntlet we had to run from car to house to car to work to car to shop to car without reprieve. There is such vulnerability in the relief of it.
The stunned
As winter people come into the sun
Cautious to believe the reprieve
Ant then slow smiles as they trust
Such a vulnerability
This faith
Because Winter will come again
Count on it
Bless our sweet selves
As winter people come into the sun
Cautious to believe the reprieve
Ant then slow smiles as they trust
Such a vulnerability
This faith
Because Winter will come again
Count on it
Bless our sweet selves