Sunday, July 31, 2016


The fact that I just don't care much about life after death is a pretty big
stumbling block when it comes to Christianity which is the religious language that I speak  most easily.

I'm very curious about "after death experiences" and the stories people share when they have had one. It can be compelling. I am open to past lives.
And I read lots in all of these areas. It is comforting. But it's not what I base my
'faith' on. It would be lovely frosting on the cake. Plus it's impossible to imagine not being. OK I'm getting weirded out. 

What to do about the 'life after death' issue. (I do say it really really fast when we repeat the Nicene Creed.) I have done quite a bit of historical reading about Jesus and his time in history. I don't question that he may have risen from being dead. It's just not that important to me. I care about life now, the spirit now, the experience of divinity now, and the importance of love now.

My mom was sure that after her death, she would join her sisters and mom and dad in heaven. I kind of sassily (very sassily) asked her if she thought they would be playing Bridge. She said, "yes".  I lost my sass and was jealous of her sweet surety. I laughed and said I pictured us as kind of soul blobs bobbing around waiting for the next round of having a body. She said, "Oh Joyce!".
Let's have coffe and play a hand of Rummy. 

There you have it. Life here and now wins for me and to have it and live it abundantly. 

Monday, July 25, 2016



10:30 am. I am alone at home for the day, night and tomorrow morning
First I sit and am a little giddy (carbonated is a better word) by the open space of no demand, no schedule, no people.  Yippee comes to mind

I make fresh coffee, eat bread and butter and read The New York Times Book Review. Sour dough bread from Scratch bakery. Next a leftover oatmeal cookie
When the cat's away, the carbs come out. Indulgence is so good for the soul. Maybe not the body, but happy happy soul

Begin to think of calling adult kids to see about the beach. No,no,no.  Always that temptation to fill in empty space. Make pledge to sit in my favorite places and read whatever strikes me. Then I'll read some more.  Summer, alone, books, cookbooks, magazines, shady nooks, fresh coffee Mama!!!!

10:58. Up to get out of pj's (magenta with orange polka dots--makes me hot to look at them), look for reading glasses, get ice water.

11:13. All set. Couldn't find book in process  HUMMINGBIRDS DAUGHTER
let it go watered a desperate plant. Got bag of books from library and iPad
Settled I tell you, settled!!!

12:00. move into full sun in yard to read. Need a little beach like burn for summer vibe with no cumbersome clacking beach chairs trail dropping of a flip flop,lotion, ever present cheese sticks.
12:15 Popsicles break. May have to move. Gargle across street blared Heavy Metal. Where are my ear buds?

1:00. Baby Break.  Proud grandmother brought over granddaughter for me to see.
Makes my youngest look like she's ready for grad school
Back to sun and WHAT KATIE ATE cookbook.

1:11 (lucky number). Into house for lunch. Leftovers Salade Nicoise from guests last night. Way better today. Added potatoes chips and two chocolates from host gift eating like its the1950's!!  Ate on front porch AT 1950's Formica table that has one red wooden leg. It was a gift picked off a street by my son and daughter in law. Cream with red trim. Very happy
Read every page of WHAT KATIE ATE
Perused and realized I had already read SHANGHAI REMEDY. Hate when I do that
Fell into Kate Atkinson's ONE GOOD TURN

2;36. Up for air from Atkinson book. Time for a nap. Not tired. But a nap is possible so why not?  A little Solitaire too.  Made ice water with strawberries in it in two quart jar. Hard to lift. Maybe a little Best British Baker Off. OK off the gird I go

4:23. Back on porch with ONE GOOD TURN. feeling a little lonely.  Or a need to be productive. Thanks Tyler. I shake it off !!  Coffee helps. What luxury my corner on the porch is. I will water hanging baskets next time I'm up.

5 pm switching to nonfiction AGNOSTIC MANIFESTO and will alternate with
Works for me. Refreshes the palette Don'ja  know!!

5:40. Eyes beginning to hurt. Wondering if I should go to beach for sunset
But I am content why try to augment contentment?

6:10. Silence strikes. My porch faces a well used street. I adjust to constant car whoosh--call it my ocean waves. But this silence of no cars is so luscious.
So secure. No random moving parts. So still. A car comes. Makes me sad
I adjust back to wallowing in the treat of"enough time" cars or no cars

7:46. Getting dark. I go in the  house to Not Fix Dinner. More luxury.  Think I'll have frozen cherries.  I read until 10:30. Lights out. Eyes glad to be shut. 

Indulgence is so good for the soul. Maybe not the body, but a happy happy soul! Souls are not made for suffering.

Monday, July 18, 2016


Do we expect death to be easy?
I think we do
The death of others is overwhelmed by our own personal loss
Our own pain is the focus

Our inevitable personal death to come, we shake off
We know it will happen
And we veer away quickly from that knowledge
Nothing we can do about it

Here'shat I know about dying:
Dying is itself is usually hard work
It's no fun for the person dying either
It takes energy
It can be a sweet moment
It can be quite anti climatic
Some people will enjoy the drama and make it bigger than life ( now that's funny)
It takes a year to absorb the death
Food helps'
Talking about the death is needed to believe it
Its hardnot to get imprinted with the last living image. Photos help balance this
Not everybody has to cry
No service can be perfect because the situation can't be remedied
Sitting and staring seems to help
Sorrow is the right response
No shame no hurry no fake joy needed. Celebrate the life but mourn the loss
Grief demands lots of sleep. Daily details can feel like Mount Everest
Every anniversary sucks
It is bewildering for the person dying too
Think of going on the biggest journey of your life ALONE. ANDKNOWING IT
Grief can feel like a combo of stage fright and lethargy. Geared up and unable to move

More thought to come. We, in the US, are just beginning to take death for what it is.
More on that to come

Sunday, July 10, 2016


If we cleared all the gunk out of our various religions what would be left?

Gunk=rigid rightness
          theological battles that detract
          thinking in opposites ie. belief versus doubt
          killing the spirit with tight behavior rules
          wanting to change others
          creating 'wrongness' in others
          punishing and judgment of others who are different

You get the idea--GUNK!!


Let's change the word 'leftovers' to 'essence'
Many of us are trying to work with the essence and therefore it leaves us a little stranded when it comes to formal religion.