Monday, January 30, 2017


Re-reading the reflection that follows gave me serious pause for thought.
I wrote it at least two years ago.
Thoughtful, honest and-----dying to be complacent


I ignore the world
It scares me
The hate is so big
And so tangle together
Every string pulls on another
Too tight to unravel
Fingers pointing everywhere but near
Not me—not now
I'll help later
Let me enjoy
Just a little bit longer
I don't want to look
Not yet

And so now, I spend at least an hour a day signing petitions and calling Senators.
Today, I will go to Senator Collins office to deliver a petition arguing against 
Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education. And I hate to be "against" rather than "for".
But, do you want to smile?  I spent three hours yesterday applying to BE The Secretary of Education. Why the hell not?  Doing it made me laugh out loud. Why the hell not?

Monday, January 23, 2017


# 44
I pray for every person on this globe
To move a micro measure more
Toward compassion
Receive it
Give it 
Create conditions for it
Baby steps to peace

We need a revision of our God image
Less father, more mother
More mystery
More softness
More compassion
More right now
Not past or future
Mama Now

I pray to change the world
Yes I do
I pray to change the world
One tiny drop of love
And reverence
Regardless of doubt
The world's ugliness
Laughing at me
Who knows the tipping point
Of one more prayer?
I pray to change the world

Pass these on--more to come

Sunday, January 15, 2017


I love that suddenly God is constantly in the news and in best selling books. 
God is trending. Or Godness or Godlessness or whatever you want to name the divine.
We have had it with being quiet about our spiritual yearning and with feeling confused and embarrassed to admit it. Atheists, agnostics, the "nones" all swirl around the topic in different ways. Even indifference is not disinterested.

We, the ambivalent, the disillusioned, the confused, the angry,
are beginning to talk. We are coming out. 
Our conversations will help reshape religion for the future. We want to talk about how all religions can reform to include one another. We want legal, literal, punitive interpretation of the major religions wisdom books to stop. We will talk about differences without immediate judgment.
We don't mind paradox. We trust it. We embrace the relationship between science and religion.
We like the mystery of being alive. We know that the energy of love has to win as the medium of resolving the polarities of our time. It will be a first time to do so without bloodshed.
It has to happen. It is happening. 

Stay steady. Stay open. Stay kind. Stay curious. Stay respectful.
Lay the foundation for the new.

Monday, January 9, 2017


I often focus on the ambivalence, the 'anyway', of my book (trust me it will be released with a new cover Feb 1 and until then it is hard to buy but is available on Amazon) I PRAY ANYWAY:Devotions for the Ambivalent. 

Prayer itself is a huge topic, from how to pray, to types of prayer, to scientific studies of the impact of prayer. Prayer is a mystery that I like. What would we call it if we didn't use the word 'prayer'?
Dialogue with God?
Connection with my purpose?
Praising God?
Imploring God?
Sending a blessing or miracle to someone else?
Energetic connection for the common good?
Tapping into the creating energy of the universe?
Bringing my soul into focus?
Finding the place of peace and joy?
Plugging into love which is timeless?

Yes. Yes. And yes.

I want to hear from you and will put this question of Face book.
Prayer is an experience.  
My book shares so many different experiences as I experiment with praying.