Monday, November 10, 2014


My whole premise is "I don't know much for sure AND I pray anyway".
You'll hear much more about that when my book is done (manuscript in draft form at this point--tweaking time) 

My point today goes back to the fact that we live in a miracle resistant culture.
Therefore we are blind to little gifts of grace or eensy beentsy miracles that we bump into daily. I know that I shake them off all the time. 

Here's one that has me interested from this week.  I write to a college friend frequently by email.  We grouse and laugh and share our life stories and pretend that we are in a coffee shop together.

My friend wrote complaining about not being able to find something she really wanted--a photo I think.  Then she listed a few other special things she couldn't find.  I wrote back saying, "Please don't get me started about lost things.
For instance where is the Christmas table cloth I haven't found the last two years in a row and where is my high school class ring? I really want it. Is it in a dump somewhere or a pawn shop?"  I sent the email.

Two hours later, I got a phone call from a college sorority sister I hadn't heard
from her since she graduated a year before me--almost 50 years.  She said, "Are you this 'Joyce' and gave details. I said, "yes".  She said she was cleaning out old jewelry to give away or organize and found a ring that she suddenly thought might be mine. It was a class ring and had my initials in it. (Pre-marriage initials) Right color, right size. I have it on my finger now. It is indeed my ring.

I told her the story of my email and she said, "Hey, I'm a Unitarian so I'm not
much into this kind of thing but this has me flummoxed."  I sent her a copy of the email about the ring. We are both puzzling about it. Why did she think it was my ring? There were many of us.  We were never room mates or close friends.  Why within two hours of mentioning it, did I get my ring back. (Then, again, why not the Christmas table cloth?)  We were both tickled to talk and this oddity made our day. This is what I call a mini-miracle. Goes beyond probability and has a surprisingly good outcome!! 

Tell me you have this kind of thing.
Tell me it interests you.
Share one. 
Oh I have a good one about my mom's pansies.

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