Sunday, December 27, 2015


I may be protesting too much about ambivalence.
On the other hand (that phrase is the phrase of an 'ambivalent') it does take some courage to be public about ambivalence when it comes to religion.

Atheism is easy. Just say "No". 
True Believer is easy.  Just say "I'm right and I know it making  others automatically wrong.
Agnostic begs the question. Just say, "Who knows?" (Embedded in this is 'who cares'?)

Let's hear it for the ambivalent people. There are plenty of us.
Here is a reflection from the book I wrote titled I PRAY ANYWAY: Devotions for the Ambivalent.  This was written during a tender time of wanting to have a sure footed belief.

Tonight my prayer is tender
I am bashful
Wanting to step forward into belief
But straddling—
An untenable position
And yet
I'm too tentative
To step forward with both feet
Been straddling for so long
If I take a step
I might fall over

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