Monday, April 18, 2016


Who are you who read this blog?

--Are you an official "none"?  This is the largest growing religious group (or non-group) in Europe and the US.  It is the people who when asked in a census, who declare themselves as NON-affiliated to any religion.  Therefore the designation--"nones".  I'll be talking more about this phenomenon. It matters in many ways.  But first------

--Are you a church goer who takes a lot of the theology and tradition with a grain of salt?

--Are you a man, woman, old, young?

--Are you indifferent or disillusioned about religion.  Which?

--Do you pray and laugh at yourself for praying

--Do you believe in Michelangelo's God unfurling among the clouds in heaven?

--Are you curious about the relationship between religion and science.  Does the topic of evolution make you nuts one way or the other?

--Do you wish you had a fervent faith or belief

I had no idea that scribbling a few prayers/reflections down on a legal pad would lead to a book about the kind of questions I ask above. I am interested in you and what you think and feel and question and know and don't know. I'm ready for conversation.

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