Monday, August 21, 2017


I have a new website that went live last night!!  
I'm not quite adept with it yet, but we will muddle along together.
It has all of my writing in one place but with easy entry to get to what you choose to read.

It is necessary to re-subscribe so please do. Here is the link to my I Pray Anyway blog. Once you are there, I hope you will nose around the other pages and check out my other projects:

I Pray Anyway Blog

Please take a look and let me know what you think.
I love the quirky elements it has.
First of all floating coffee stains to honor my red cup companion for writing and prayers
Second a red cup to click on for little tidbits of fun or wisdom or irritation
And my tweets show up on the bottom--which was a surprise for me--I'd better get profound!!

Please join me. Get your red cup and let's think and explore together.

Monday, August 14, 2017


Dear Godness that none of us truly understand,
I'm not in despair
I'm in anger and fear
At the world for the world
and at me
I don't love so well
I hate
I would have to be restrained not to kill
If someone killed my child
I am discouraged
Less about the world
It will do its thing
But with you

Monday, August 7, 2017


I am madly writing a Playbook to go along with I PRAY ANYWAY: Devotion for the Ambivalent.
The book itself emerged with no specific purpose other than to satisfy my soul.
It led me to lots of reading and thought and increasing interest about faith, the spiritual, etc in today's world.

So I am putting together a booklet to help create discussion/conversation about the themes that are in my book. It will have discussion questions, comments by me, quotes, and activities for a
mini-playshop. And I'll toss in some interesting resources I've bumped into like The Friendly Atheist newsletter.  Such interesting stuff going on.

I see it being used by church groups, book clubs, colleges, and anyone willing to 'play' with the role of belief and God today, mini-miracles, how to pray, how to trust your own experience and how to talk across profound differences. You know, stuff like that. 

I will do a pilot palmtop in early October for the fun of it and I do mean for the fun of it. I'm thinking of a Thursday from 5:30 to 8:30 with food provided. Talking with mouths full is just fine.
The purpose will be to explore and clarify for each person what they might be looking for in a more spiritual life or not and to talk about prayer--the power, the need for it and how on earth to pray if you want to. I want as many differences in the room as I can gather. I will invite about 7 people and ask that they bring a friend. 

Would you come if I invited you?  

Monday, July 31, 2017


I am tossing around ideas and activities for a workshop I want to do (I'll call it a playshop
because I want participants to play with ideas and beliefs in a lighthearted way.) I hope I have the nerve to actually do it. But I am giving you an odd tidbit on my work. As I have been writing and looking over my reading and resources/quotes I suddenly wanted to sum up where I was in my thinking. These are my predictions for the next ten years. I'll be dead as a doornail before this turmoil is through. I'll be madly projecting my energy from another realm. (Hey, let's get spooky)
Anyway, a few of my predictions:

—Science and religion will merge as we begin to understand that science at its edges has no certainty and neither can religion. As new physics grows by working with the invisible, the mysterious, the awesome and the multi-outcomes possible it will bump into the
renewing religious examination going on. They will live together easily with no need of one negating the other.

—The violent hot hatred in the world will continue until the pain of is too much for most people to tolerate and they will have to become active in their own way to love hate to death. This will take a different kind of love than commonly understood. This love will need fortitude, savvy, discipline, persistence, utter determination AND still work from a loving stance for the common good or there will be no individual good.

—Most formal religions will continue to lose membership and engagement though disillusionment for older members and through indifference by younger members. Most young adults will be indifferent. However, a common phrase at use is “I am spiritual but not religious. Many of the alienated use it. I view it as a placeholder. It holds people in a space of what some call ‘neutral religion’. Not quite.
It does show an unwillingness to totally let go. Many of SNR still believe in God and pray but it is an individual approach based on personal experience. Eventually (I’m talking 20 years or more) new form and structure and ritual and ‘clarified truth’ will emerge. For right now ‘spiritual not religious’ provides a category people can live with.

—Church without walls will become a viable concept with social media creating methods to gather and discuss and pray and organize into like minds and hearts.  ADD QUOTE ABOUT COMPUTER BEING SPIRITUAL BY HUSBAND OF????? British author

—There will be a different image of God translated through many lenses. The Father image and the Sistine Chapel image will fade allowing for new. It will take awhile for a common image to emerge that captures the modern post religious need. It will not be sacrilegious. It will be newreligious. Many books and article's are being written about this coming from all Faiths. This is not a Christian Phenomena

—Literalists and Fundamentalists will begin to lose power because centralized power will not be attractive or tolerated by people in most institutions. The strength of over powering power right now is the last gasp of dying institutions as we go through this time of transition into new forms of living, worshipping, dying, working, playing and being.  Secularism as an organized approach to meaning in life and bettering will grow. Mystery will prevail.

There you have it. I will have all participants make their own predictions.
Would love to hear yours.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


We are up in Rangeley, Maine at a little house we have where deer cross the lawn at dawn and dusk and where the Internet is variable.

I am on the front porch of the Inn next door where Internet works. I don't want to stay long.
I actually look like the sort of scarecrows you see on porches around Halloween time.
I have on jeans and a big plaid flannel shirt and my hair sticks out and I lean back in the porch chair to think.

I am working on what I call A Playbook to use with my book I PRAY ANYWAY: Devotions for the ambivalent. It has questions and input from me about some of the themes my book raises.
Mostly it's fun to do. I mean play book in the sense that I want people to be playful with the ideas and I mean Playbook in the sense of a football playbook that has all kinds of possible plays but they are selected by what is needed in the moment.  

One of my favorite things in live is when I am constantly curious about a topic.
My topic seems to be, "What is going on in religion and spiritual life right now and
how will the need for a transcendent sense of life be met in the future." We are in the moment of disintegrating and so will have lots of turmoil which will produce what is needed next. 
I question everything, but prayer.  More to come

It's cold on this porch. Heading to wood stove---in July!!  

Saturday, July 15, 2017


I have always been urgent about my use of time and savoring it. I wanted to remember and capture and live fiercely. It may have been the Christmas Eve car crash that wiped out my brother's fiance's family when I was twelve years old. (Grand parents, parents, and three children, one a baby.) I write some about it in my book I PRAY ANYWAY: Devotions for the Ambivalent, and will probably tell more in another book. My point here is I want to squeeze as much out of life as i can. 

At this point in my life, I no longer have the sense of being able to do something  later, tomorrow,

when I have enough time, in the new year. Now Is It. So I wonder about that 'it' quite alot.
In fact I just did two Do It Now things. I took my daughter and hers to see my former mother-in-law. She is 97. Now is it. I took my Oregon daughter for a luxurious overnight when she was visiting. She was heading home to have a biopsy for a lump on her breast. We did exactly what we wanted to do, ate what we wanted to eat and bought what we wanted to buy. (All turned out well.)
But Now Is It,

I ask myself often "what is the best use of 'this' time right this minute?" Playing cards and laughing with any of my five kids is always the best use. Being with grand kids is also a no brainer.

I say this so you don't think I'm talking about horrible tasks like stirring the compost or duty tasks like a phone call you just don't want to make. For me, tasks need to fit around all the things that matter most.

I was and am struggling with how much time to spend on the book I've written (go to to buy it and read my 3 different weekly blogs). I kind of wonder what to do with the darn book. It is quirky. In case you don't know it has daily reflections based on my experience with, doubts about and pleasure in prayer. Do I want to Face book it to death, Tweet til people want to scream, and do readings wherever I can? Not sure. 

OK, so I'm struggling with how much I want to give to the book. And in my notebook of quotes, two jumped out at me today.

A Poem by Christopher Fry/from book SCIENCE TO GOD by Peter Russell

—Thank God our time is now, when wrong   
Comes up to face us everywhere,
Never to leave us ’til we take
The longest stride of soul man ever took.
Affairs are now soul size.
The enterprise is exploration into God—
—When a doctoral student at Princeton asked, “What is there left
in the world for original dissertation research?” Albert Einstein replied,
“Find out about prayer. Somebody must find out about prayer"—

From PRAYER by Phillip Yancey 

Affairs are indeed now soul size and prayer and it's power is becoming science
Think I'll hang in there for awhile
(Unless someone wants to play Pinochle)

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


I almost never jump into my kind of prayer without scanning the many books I
have that are inspirational/devotional books. That sounds immediately sappy to me for some reason, probably because many are.  I'm both eclectic and choosy.  

So today I turned to Tolstoy.  Tolstoy the author of War and Peace and Anna Karenina. He put together a book of thoughts on self-improvement. He was quite the bounder when young and failed at most of what he did. But he had inherited an estate. And married a competent wife, which turned out to be a very good thing. He had a kind of spiritual conversion and took on a kind of vow of poverty.  And worked side by side with his peons. (I am being sarcastic--quite).
His wife, with 8 kids to manage and a large farm as well as poking Tolstoy to finish his books, demanded the rights to all of his books. It was an awful but enduring marriage. I'll share some of his thoughts which often inspire AND remind me of how easy it is to preach good stuff and ignore the people closest to you. Spiritual blindspots seem to come with the territory. There is a good research project in there somewhere.

So--Tolstoy from Wise Thoughts for Every Day.

—The wiser a person is, the simpler the language he will use to express his (her!!) thoughts.

—Religion does not become true just because you say yours is the only true one. Your faith is established from the inside, not the outside.

—The teaching of peace is a natural consequencIe of the teaching of love

Sunday, July 2, 2017


Two new reflections for next book--SPIRITUALLY CRANKY and PRAYING ANYWAY
I will be offline for the week on break for the 4th of July.

I tend toward the cynical
Life as a crap shoot is often my stance
Irony as a lens for humor
Often say "life is weird”
And so
I smile and shake my head
As I pray anyway

I still feel guilty
When I don't go to church
Something there is
About the discipline
Of weekly gathering
That after many many many years
Of no church at all
I still feel guilty
When I don't go
Even when guilt
Is a poor excuse for church

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


from I PRAY ANYWAY: Devotions for the Ambivalent

—Do I believe in God?
'Goodness' only knows
I believe in God-ness
I am totally open to mystery
God is not knowable
How we create language for the divine changes
We live in a paradigm shift for all things spiritual
Things fall apart before a new form emerges
We are caught in-between
New language and thought is emerging
The sacred continues outside of time and our paradigms
I hang on waiting for the next wave of knowing—

My thinking, my reflections all seem trite to me.
My wrestling with all things spiritual  is a luxury
My book is sacred lite
And yet I will turn for guidance
Into silence
Should I let this book die??