Tuesday, July 25, 2017


We are up in Rangeley, Maine at a little house we have where deer cross the lawn at dawn and dusk and where the Internet is variable.

I am on the front porch of the Inn next door where Internet works. I don't want to stay long.
I actually look like the sort of scarecrows you see on porches around Halloween time.
I have on jeans and a big plaid flannel shirt and my hair sticks out and I lean back in the porch chair to think.

I am working on what I call A Playbook to use with my book I PRAY ANYWAY: Devotions for the ambivalent. It has questions and input from me about some of the themes my book raises.
Mostly it's fun to do. I mean play book in the sense that I want people to be playful with the ideas and I mean Playbook in the sense of a football playbook that has all kinds of possible plays but they are selected by what is needed in the moment.  

One of my favorite things in live is when I am constantly curious about a topic.
My topic seems to be, "What is going on in religion and spiritual life right now and
how will the need for a transcendent sense of life be met in the future." We are in the moment of disintegrating and so will have lots of turmoil which will produce what is needed next. 
I question everything, but prayer.  More to come

It's cold on this porch. Heading to wood stove---in July!!  

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